
Research on Arts-in-Corrections
A substantial body of research shows that arts education in prison has a dramatic positive impact on participants’ quality of life. With remarkable consistency, the dozens of academic studies completed on this subject show that arts-in-corrections programs have significant rehabilitative benefits, as well.
For Those Doing Similar Work Elsewhere
MPWW is often approached by people who want to teach in prison or create their own programs. If you’re interested in doing similar work elsewhere, we’d love to share our knowledge and experience with you. We’ve put together a list of questions we're commonly asked.
For the Literary Community
Incarcerated writers are grossly underrepresented in today’s mainstream literature and literary community. Their work is often overlooked and marginalized, despite the fact that our prisons are filled with talented writers making urgent art. We’ve put together a selection of resources on how members of the literary community might better serve, integrate, and amplify the voices of incarcerated writers.
For People Coming Home
If you are a former MPWW student, welcome home! Our community is better off for your return and we’d love to do what we can to support you. Read here for ways to remain involved with MPWW.